Pangong drysuit is named after the exploration dive in pangong lake which is at 4200m atltitude. This exploration is the challenge for both the equipment and the divers. What this drysuit offers is a durable but very stretchy drysuit which gives a streamlined fit. It also allows for a full range of movement and the low-profile design reduces drag underwater. It is made of two different materials which are ultra-durable and provides optimum resistance to punctures and tearing.
Two different trilaminate materials
Large cargo pocket
在2022年即将结束的时候,我们推出经过几年精心打造的新款干衣PANGONG,此款干衣以班公湖命名,因为AKUANA2022年的产品测试就是在海拔4200米的班公湖完成,此款干衣标识设计背景采用高原冰川,寓意着 “永恒”,因为它坚不可摧。海拔即是“顽强”,所有生长在那里的动植物及人都有着异于常人的坚持。这也是AKUANA的产品精神。 PANGON着重剪裁,去除了肩部及腋下的切割线,放宽了肩部,让活动更加方便,更加适合厚底衣,够双瓶阀门更加轻松。主体材料采用了英国生产的新款三层夹布Vulcan及Ripstop的拼接,更加立体.。Vulcan材料柔软,穿着舒适,仅重225g/m2。PANGONG这款干衣在小腿,前臂及后背选用了柔软的Vulcan材料。在肩部,腋下,臀部和大腿前侧等更容易磨损的区域采用了网格耐磨布Cordura Ripstop。另外,PANGON取消了臀部的大片Kevlar,减轻了重量,提升了美观感,仅在裆部保留了Kevlar耐磨布。